Recent positions


Research projects

I am a member of several “PEPR Cybersécurité” projects:

I am the Inria’s PI (principal investigator) of the SecGen associate team with CISPA. This project is dedicated to synthetic data generation for intrusion detection systems.

Doctoral advisor

I am currently co-supervising 4 PhD students:

Alumni PhD:

I was also involved in various PhD: Malcolm Bourdon (defended in 2021), Aliénor Damien (defended in 2020) and Jonathan Roux (defended in 2020).

Teaching activity

I am a part-time professor at CentraleSupélec. You can find more details about my teaching here.

Other collaborations

I was a member of the working group that lead to the ANSSI publication Building trust in AI through a cyber risk-based approach.

Expert assessments

I occasionally serve as an expert for ANRT (Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie) and PTCC (Programme de Transfert au Campus Cyber).

Scientific events and dissemination

PhD defense jury member

PC member and reviewer

Security conferences

Artificial intelligence conferences



Recent talks